Kitchen Air Replacement Systems
An effective commercial kitchen ventilation system must achieve “air balance,” meaning the air exiting a kitchen through an extractor fan must be replaced with the same amount entering through doors, windows and other openings.

Your commercial kitchen ventilation system from Extraction Canopy can supply replacement air into your kitchen. A full-length, fully insulated makeup air plenum can be incorporated within the front face or perimeter of your extraction canopy, parallel to the extract plenum. In the case of island canopies, a plenum on each of the canopy faces parallel to the extract plenum can be installed.
Call us on
0845 521 0257
The introduction of air supply via the extraction canopy can
be made available using the following methods:

Canopy front face discharge

Induction supply air

Perimeter supply air
All commercial kitchen ventilation solutions from Extraction Canopy are bespoke and manufactured to suit kitchen size, location, customer requirements and cooking equipment beneath – so any combination of the above air replacement systems can be incorporated into your extractor fan, cooker hood or island canopy.
For more information or to get a quote, call us on:
01733 230378
Send an email to
or fill in the enquiry form on our contact page.
Extraction Canopy
Extraction Canopy Ltd
Unit 15, Tresham Road
Orton Southgate
Tel: 01733 230378